Business Case

A business case captures the purpose and objectives for initiating a project or a task. Information included in a formal business case could be the background of the project, the expected business benefits, expected costs of the project, a gap analysis and the expected risks. 

Your administrator can configure the tab titles and business case questions for each project type. The system allows you to submit multiple business cases, with only one case being active at any given time. 

Business Case Details Tab

This section enables you to define details of the business case such as the purpose, Financial Impact, Business Impact etc. 

STEP 1: Specify the details in the relevant text fields.


Description / Instructions

Current Case

Allows selection of previously entered business cases for modification.

Project purpose

Defines the purpose of the project


Records details of consultation undertaken with external parties to achieve the project objective

Business Impact

Define the business impact of achieving the project

Lessons from prior projects

Define the lessons learnt from prior projects which is important to remember when proceeding ahead with the project

STEP 2: Select the 'Make this case Active' tick box to enable the particular business case as active.

STEP 3: Click on the 'Save' button.

Active Business case is marked with an asterisk. Only one business case can be active for a given project.

Business case area defaults to the active business case. The 'Current Case' dropdown allows you to select a previously entered business case.  An Active Business case is marked with an asterisk.


Project Objectives Tab

STEP 1:  Click on the 'Business Case Project Objectives' tab.

Objectives that have to be achieved during the project life cycle are listed in the Project Objectives section. Each business case will have objectives for the project. These will be assessed with a rating in 'Evaluation Phase'.

STEP 2: Click 'Add new business case objective'

STEP 3: Specify the following to details to create 'Project Objective'.


Description / Instructions

Mandatory / Optional


Title of the objective



A brief description of the objective


Objective Met by

Ways and means of achieving the objective



STEP 4: Click on the 'Insert' button to add the objective.


Project Delivery Options Tab

The project delivery option is provided when outsourcing is required for a project. You can define methods to buy or sell a  product or a service, in order to achieve the project objective. This section enables the project team to conduct a detailed analysis of the project delivery options.

Administrator can switched off this tab if not required.

STEP 1:  Navigate to 'Business Case Project Delivery Options' tab.

STEP 2: In order to record a new delivery option, click on the 'Add new business case option' link and specify the following details:


Description / Instructions

Mandatory / Optional


Title of the option



A brief description of the option



Depicts the advantages of the option



Depicts the disadvantages of the option



STEP 3: Click on the 'Insert' button to add the new project delivery option.

The label names, upload fields and functionality available will depend on the system configurations completed by your administrator.






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Last revised: July 26, 2017