The KPIs object allows you to link existing KPIs to a project in order to evaluate performance. The KPIs should be created within the interplan.

The KPIs available for linking are listed on the left and any linked KPIs will display on the right.

STEP 1: To link a KPI, select a KPI and then drag and drop it to 'Linked KPI' section.

To select more than one KPI at a time hold down the control key on your keyboard and select the relevant KPIs. Then add to drag and drop area as explained above.

You can add all the listed KPIs by clicking on 'Add All' button.

If you want to delete KPIs, select the relevant KPIs and click on 'Remove' button.

You can search for a list of KPIs or a single KPI using filtering option. <<VERIFY>>

STEP 2: To see a more detailed view of a KPI, click  the 'View'  icon.

The following details will be displayed:


STEP 3: The 'Targets and Actuals' tab shows the  targets, actuals and variances recorded against the various reporting periods for this KPI and the Graph tab allows you to view the KPI in a graphical form.

STEP 4: To view the KPI performance, select the 'KPI Evaluation' tab.

You can enter comments explaining the performance within the 'Comments' field.

KPI modifications can be done only through the interplan.


KPI modification can be done only through the interplan. 




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Last revised: July 26, 2017